Saturday, June 4, 2011

Burt's Bees Citrus Facial Scrub

First off let me say I wouldn't have even known about this product if it wasn't for Kandee Johnson. She does makeup and beauty tutorials on YouTube and she also has a blog, if you want to check her out there is a link in my side bar -->

Once I heard about this I HAD TO TRY IT! I had been having a lot of acne problems lately and I think it was mostly due to a moisturizer that my skin didn't like, but I'll do a review on that later. So I looked at nearly every Walgreens in town and no one had it. I nearly gave up my search when my friend Kim and I went to Target and low and behold there was only 1 on the shelves!!! I snached that baby right up but Kim had to buy it for me because I was broke as a joke (and I helped her carry and put together her new shoe rack) thank you Kim for the most amazing skin product ever!

This cost $8 which for some of you might be a bit pricey for a scrub but this is made with all natural ingredients so I think it is really worth every penny.

The first impression of this scrub is a little odd, it comes in a glass jar with a twist off lid. Upon opening it I looked at it and said "what the heck" because the look and texture is really unlike any other scrub I've encountered (but I usully buy the cheap stuff). It's really dry and has almost a chalky texture in the jar but on the box it says just to add a few drops of water to a "small amount" and then work it into a paste.

When it say's "small amount" it means SMALL AMOUNT! You literally only need about a dime/pea size amount of this scrub and a very very small amount of water and then rub it for a few seconds in your hands and there you have it!

It feels a little weird on your skin at first because it isn't very harsh like most scrubs are, but that is also a great thing because I think part of the problem with my skin was that I was using too harsh of products on it so my skin over produced oil to try and help heal itself thus causing my breakouts. It smells really good, kinda like lemons and cloves and a little olive oil. In my opinion this is probably the best drug store skin product on the market right now.


I use this once daily at night to help remove all my makeup and give my skin a good clean . When I first got it I was using it 2 times a day but after about 2 days of that it did start to dry my skin out a little so I had to cut back. However in only one week of using this I have noticed my skin is smoother, brighter, less red around my cheeks and forhead and my blackheads and acne have almost all but vanished. I can not rave enough about this product!!! I would most surely recomend it for every skin type.

I hope you all have a great Saturday :)
Love and Lipstick

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